After completing the dual trajectory at Dosign, it was self-evident to Sjoerd van Aart: he remained connected to Dosign, to work on various projects via a permanent appointment.
Dosign invest in my future as an engineer Sjoerd van Aart
Sjoerd followed the dual engineering track Electrical Engineering. He carried out the practical part of this project at Suikerunie in Dinteloord. "Looking back, compared to my previous MBO course, it was quite tough," he says. "But I have undergone an enormous development. At first, I only did draughting work. Eventually I had my own project going, relocating a switch room.
Coal-fired power
His engineering degree pocketed, Sjoerd started his current project at Dosign in September 2017. He explains: "Through Engie Services, I work as an E&I engineer at the coal and nuclear power plant in Borssele. I am involved in the 'unbundling' project. This means that the two power stations will be split, after which the coal-fired power station will be dismantled. I am involved in the development of work packages, work permit applications and purchasing."
"At Suikerunie, I approached the engineering profession from the client's side," Sjoerd continues. "At Engie Services, I work on the contractor's side. This variation is interesting and instructive. And that's exactly the big advantage of working with Dosign. There's no better start to my technical career!"
How does Sjoerd see his career developing? "First and foremost, I want to become an able engineer. Gaining experience on different projects and increasing my technical knowledge. Dosign helps me with that. I will soon be starting the training course 'Low Voltage Design Expert'. Later I will take another course in EPLAN. Dosign pay for those courses. This is not only a financial advantage. Dosign invest in my future as an engineer. That`s giving me self-confidence.”