Large machines and robots. They have fascinated Christiaan Ven from an early age. Last summer he was able to work with both enthusiasts. Via Dosign Students he found the perfect holiday job. In Germany!
I functioned there as a man of all trades Christiaan Ven
Christiaan studies mechanical engineering at Twente University. Before the summer holidays he obtained his bachelor. He did not have any holiday plans, so he started looking for an interesting holiday job. He found this at Dosign Students. "The contact with Marco Knipscheer of Dosign Students was already there," says Christiaan. "I had worked for Dosign Students before, so Marco already knew where my interests lie. He had the perfect holiday job for me. I was able to work full-time for a company that mainly overhauls electronic car parts. That's right in Germany. How cool is that!”
Man of all trades
The company where Christiaan worked is located near Munich. It is a German branch of a Dutch company. With a small group of colleagues, including four Dutch, he manned the production department. Christiaan: "There was a lot to do for few people. I functioned there as a man of all trades. I had a number of somewhat larger robotics assignments, but I also carried out logistical tasks and smaller projects”. One of the robotics assignments consisted of adjusting robot arms. For another assignment, Christiaan had to make sure that certain doors opened automatically at the right time.
Learned a lot
The work was not directly related to Christian's study, but it was certainly instructive. "I learned a lot about compressed air systems and robots. At the same time, I experienced what it is like to work full-time at a production company. In my studies I approach everything theoretically. Nor does it matter how long it takes before I have a solution. In practice, it works differently. Time is money. For example, if a tool doesn't fit, you can't spend hours tinkering with it. You have to come to a solution quickly, even if it means that you have to demolish part of it”.
Well entertained
Christiaan is now back in the Netherlands, to start his master Mechanical Engineering. "It was a very nice experience", he looks back on his German adventure. "This applies not only to my work, but to my entire stay. Together with my Dutch colleagues, I lived in a house that the company rents especially for its employees. Every day we would be driving together to work. Yes, I had a good time. And I really did my bit. I've even been asked to come back. A nice compliment, right?”